Shuja Rasheed
3 articles


Writer: Shuja Rasheed Category: সম্পাদকীয় (Editorial) Edition: Dhaboman - Eid 2022

After a couple of years of Eids passing quietly due to the epidemic, finally, we are probably feeling safe enough to relax a little and celebrate Eid the way it should be – thanks to all the doses of vaccines and to all the people who had gotten them.


A Conversation With My Mother

Writer: Shuja Rasheed Category: ছোট গল্প (Short Story) Edition: Dhaboman - Eid 2022

It was the third time Mom called me in just about two hours. The first time I was in an important meeting, the second time I had just taken a short break between meetings to take a leak, and the third time I was parked in front of my laptop desperately trying to finish a report before heading for my weakly badminton game with some of my health-conscious colleagues who were in their mid-fifties, same as me, and didn’t appreciate the rebellious belly that kept on pushing up.