We accept writings across all genres, in both Bangla and English from anywhere in the world. However, we prefer the size not to exceed 5000 words. The following types of write ups are encouraged:
  • Short stories
  • Long stories
  • Poems
  • Political articles
  • Satirical articles
  • Cartoons
  • Informative articles
  • Scientific articles
  • Etc.
Whether you are a new author or have been previously published, has no bearing on the selection process. We solely look at the quality of the writing and the appropriateness of the subject. The review process can take up to several months as the magazine is a triannual publication (three times a year) and sometimes we may wait to receive as many qualified articles as possible before finalizing. We will contact you once a decision has been reached. Please note, some articles that may not make the printed version due to space limitation can be published in the online edition.
Also note, no fees are paid for accepted write ups. Any write up that is sent to us must be copyrighted by the sender/author or include an explanatory letter with details in case of any exceptional situation.
What to include in your submission

  • Your full name (and pseudonym if applicable)
  • Your email address and telephone number (if you have one)
  • An editable copy of the article in MSWord format (.doc, .docx)